Did I just…

Whoore myself out for yarn? I think I did. It started out innocent enough. At lunch we were talking about my recent discovery that as long as I keep knitting warm wooly winter things, the weather has stayed remarkably spring-like. So I must continue to knit warm wooly winter things. Damn the stupid groundhog anyway. What does he know… But I digress

We were innocently talking of my knitting WWWTs and the token guy on staff mentioned he wants a scarf. Without so much as batting an eyelash, I volunteered to knit him one so long as he buys the yarn and I get to keep the leftovers. And I promptly started sending him links to patterns and appropriate yarns from which to choose from.

So did I? Did I completely whoore myself out for yarn? And more importantly, is it wrong that I’m pretty sure I did and not only am I not ashamed, I’m quite proud of myself for doing so.

One response to “Did I just…

  1. First, our groundhog said spring is coming. Let’s just listen to him. Secondly, you didn’t whore yourself. But do be careful, you don’t want end up with no projects for yourself and a bunch of ends left over. Now, if you ask for a an extra ball all the time…….

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