Ten Things Tuesday: Gratuitous Cuteness

Since I spent most of my weekend spinning myself silly, I didn’t do a whole lot of cooking, knitting or even quilting. Almost none, really, so if you survived yesterday’s obscenely long rambling about my new wheel, I’ll reward you with few words today. Just pictures. Mostly gratuitous cuteness, and a bit of yarn.

A future SNC Alumn in the making?

Finally growing into her head!




Digit- more for a size comparison than the gratuitous cuteness

Spike & Lily

Too Much Cuteness!

Skein 2

Skein #3- Triple Ply!

One response to “Ten Things Tuesday: Gratuitous Cuteness

  1. First, live the kitty’s. Wish I could have cats again. Sigh 😦
    Just wanted to say I agree totally with the fleece batts be becoming yarn and not really counting as stash. You are definatly on to something.

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